
I am Robert Bushard and I am running for St. Paul City Council in Ward 4.

These are the Issues in which Robert Bushard has highest on his list:

  • Limit Rezoning
  • Lower Taxes while Limiting Spending which will help reduce Inflation
  • Will Advocate for Families
  • Support Single Family Homeownership
  • Have Free and Fair Elections with VOTER PHOTO ID
  • Work to Eliminate Ranked Choice Voting in our Elections
  • Ending VIOLENT CRIME by Enforcing Existing Laws, Prosecuting and Sending Convicts to Prison for a Long Time

Please VOTE AGAINST the 1 % Sales Tax Increase!


Thomas University and Construction Company, the City Council and the unelected MET Council appear to be working together to ‘rethink transportation’ in the Twin Cities, by building an arena on the Seminary Campus and eliminating parking spaces to train the public to NOT drive cars.

On Cleveland and Marshall, when that bicycle lane issue came up, the owner of a gas/convenience store on the northeast corner of the intersection was asked to reconfigure his station at a costs of 2 to 3 hundred thousand dollars just to  add TWO spaces on the southeast corner. This after eliminating ALL parking on the east side of Cleveland for the bicycle lane.

Reconfiguring the bus stops at this intersection just eliminated 7 more parking places for the businesses on that corner. The same is being done at intersections all across the city to slow and congest traffic.

The proposed arena will cause even more parking issues for the neighborhood and I am opposed to the arena.


Governor Ramsey Minnesota was the first state governor to commit troops to the Union. During the civil war, Colonel Colvill of Red Wing lead his company at Gettysburg, contributing to the defeat of Picket’s Charge, which turned the tide of the Civil War to free the slaves kept by Democrats who seceded from the Union to keep them.

No one from Minnesota should be paying reparations for slavery.


At one time in the United States during the late 1970s, the inflation rate was in double digits. Our country fell into greater and greater debt.  There was uncertainty in purchasing basic items whether you had enough money to buy food, or medicine, or fill your car’s tank up full or even to half a tank.  Meanwhile the Government gets to borrow without penalty or to take it from you using the force of law. This is not right.


The election of 2020 showed us that Minnesota and other states have major problems in administering elections and ensuring that elections are conducted fairly.  Voting by Absentee Ballot should be rare and having 6 weeks of balloting prior to Election Day should end. It should be encouraged for all voters to vote in person on Election Day.  Same day registration should end as often their votes are mixed in with other voters. Often these voters’ addresses don’t check out or show that they live in the locations they claim.  County Election Operations should follow the law and not make up their own interpretation of laws as many counties tend to do.  The best way to ensure someone is voting who they claim to be is using Driver’s Licenses or State Identification Cards for those who do not drive.

The Secretary of State’s Office should also make sure candidates are running in the proper district and they are residents of Minnesota and not have a current Driver’s License from a neighboring state.


In February of 2022 I had my car stolen at the gas station I was at.  Carjacking seems to be tolerated in this state. I agreed with Dr Scott Jensen on his 10 Point Plan to Combat Crime in Minnesota. During the campaign I caught someone who had broken into my garage who was in the act of stealing. I chased him down until he ran into the St Paul Police and was arrested. Criminals need to know there are consequences to their actions!

Restore Trust In City Hall