Category Archives: Law & Order

Robert Bushard Endorsed Dr. Jensen’s 10 Point Plan to Curb Crime

I supported Dr. Scott Jensen’s Ten Point Plan to Curb Crime
The 10-point plan focuses on the following areas:

  1. Make carjacking its own crime with much harsher penalties
  2. Stop non-profit funding to bail out criminals
  3. Bring in the State Patrol to reinstate order
  4. Stiffen penalties for repeat offenders
  5. Screen and appoint judges who will uphold sentences
  6. Create statutes to ensure judges cannot deviate from sentencing
  7. Create a division within our Department of Public Safety to protect children from sex traffickers
  8. Coordinate a restorative justice program, so offenders can participate in cleaning up their communities
  9. End recidivism with productive training and skill building
  10. Utilize the National Guard immediately upon need and activate them preemptively to restore order